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Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2012

Crisis Communication Workshop

Today I had an amazing workshop. This workshop titled “Crisis Communication Workshop” in which the participant had a role play in the real scene of crisis and see how we can handle it. The instructors are the PR expert and the real journalists were involved in our simulation. I was on the TV! Watching myself in unprepared interview was really shameful. I learnt a lot that before you tell anything to media, especially when your company/organization is in crisis, do the preparation and rehearsal. As a head of communication in multinational construction company  that had a building collapse in one of the local office, I did a lot of mistakes by not developing key messages, prepare anticipated Q&A, and not sending the press release. Whooaa, I felt so horrible in front of the media. It was really depressing you know when the media keep asking something that you didn’t event know how to respond. “Tell nothing but the truth!” Yeah, I tried to bluff some answer but then it wasn’t wo

Budak Intelektual

Sounds silly? Well, actually the title should be "Pelacur Intelektual", as this phrase came from my friend who chat with me at gtalk. She is working as a special staff of Indonesian lawmakers and has a job to write newspapers articles in the name of her boss. She supposed to be the "ghostwriter" for every articles that her boss want to publish. She acknowledged that what she did is abusive, in the name of intellectual and integrity (of course). However, this is common practice that happen in Indonesia, especially the public policy makers (and I guess all over the world). You pay someone to write articles and make a speech. It's usual and acceptable. The situation is different when you come to academic field. Any writing that is not based on your original idea  and not quoted properly can be considered as plagiarism. You can still take other people though and ideas but you have to quote it properly, otherwise you will be suspected as plagiarist. A friend of m

Book Review : Dilema PKS, Suara dan Syariah

Long time no blogging on "hard" issue, I should have written many things. Nonetheless, due to my laziness (forgive me pals), I haven't post anything yet. So, enjoy my first post after long hiatus (applause to my self :p) Title : Dilema PKS, Suara dan Syariah Author : Burhanuddin Muhtadi Pages : xxviii +307 pages Publisher : KPG, Jakarta   Written as the author's sub-thesis, this book really enhances my knowledge about Prosperous and Justice Party (Partai Keadilan Sejahtera / PKS). When I found this book placed on RSIS library display, I just directly wrote my name under reserve list. Luckily, I got a chance to be the first reader of the book since Pak Leonard (my mentor who reserve it first) still leave on absence from the school. This book tells about how PKS emerge as a political party from Islamic missionary movement on secular campus (read: Dakwah Kampus). Using integrated social movement approach and protest-event analysis, Burhanuddin has suc

Setahun Lagi

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb, Apa kabar semua? Semoga selalu dalam keadaan sehat wal afiat dan diberi keberkahan oleh Allah SWT :) Alhamdulillah, kegalauan akademis saya untuk Trimester 2 ini terjawab sudah. I'm officially taking dissertation track to complete my master program. Doakan ya, tesis saya berjudul "The Importance of Independence Central Bank in the time of Crises: A Case Study of Bank Indonesia in Asia and Global Financial Crises" dapat saya kerjakan dengan lancar dan memperoleh hasil memuaskan, aammiiinnn :) O, ya, akhirnya, setelah sempat galau mau ambil mata kuliah apa term ini, saya memutuskan untuk mengambil dua mata kuliah yang menantang, yakni Comparative Political Economy dan Bahasa Mandarin. Menantang, sebab tugas2nya lumayan banyak (disamping saya harus mengerjakan disertasi/tesis) dan diisukan susah dapet nilau yg bagus. Ah, sepertinya mind set saya sejak S2 ini cukup berubah, kuliah tidak lagi mencari nilai (yang penting lulus dan bisa disertas


Re-Uni berasal dari kata bahasa Inggris, Re-United yang artinya berkumpul kembali (ngasaldotcom, haha). Seminggu lebih kembali ke tanah air, bertemu dengan teman2 dan sahabat2 di Forum Indonesia Muda, PPSDMS Putri angkatan V, PRasastanian serta teman2 seperjuangan di Bandung dan Depok. Alhamdulillah, masih bisa merasakan indahnya nikmat persahabatan dan kekuatan tali silaturahmi. Bertemu dengan teman2 membawa banyak cerita, curhat, mimpi dan visi hidup. Ya, kami memang bukan kami yang beberapa bulan atau beberapa tahun yang lalu. Dimensi waktu menjadi saksi perkembangan dan pendewasaan hidup kami. Teringat masa-masa indah di asrama putih, yg 2 tahun lalu sempat saya "sesali" sebab banyak hal yang tidak berlaku sesuai ekspektasi. Kompetisi menjadi mahasiswa berprestasi, kegiatan sosial di rumah belajar Matahari, mimpi2 yg kami tuliskan di life plan maupun video visi hidup, ah semua tinggal menjadi histori. Lihatlah, kawan2ku saat ini, penghuni asrama putih telah bertransfo