Today, 16 July 2018, is the first day of school in Indonesia academic calendar for kindergarten to senior high school. The government, actually pak Anies Baswedan, the former Minister of Education and currently Jakarta's governor had campaigned on the important of parents accompanying their children for the first day. Mba Najeela Shihab of Semua Murid Semua Guru and founder of Cikal School has also campaigned on how parent's involvement is important for their children's first 100 days at school. I suddenly remembered the memories of my first day at schools. Of all this 27 graceful years that Allah has given me to live, I am so thankful that my parents always accompanied me on the first day at schools. My memory falls on the first day at school at SD Al-Azhar Rawamangun. My first primary school. I was accompanied by Bapak to go to class 1D. I remembered that Bapak accompany me and watched me lined up at the school yard for ceremony. However, I also remembered how I was c
Reflection Journal for Life