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KOREA 2011!

Amazing, alhamdulillahirabbilalamin. I couldn't be more grateful to Allah SWT who gave me another opportunity to go abroad. Yeah dude! finally, i went to South Korea, to attend Global MUN 2011. It was a blessed and a BLAST! Meeting so many people around the world, the next future leader and of course I had a rare opportunity to see Mr. Secretary General of United Nations a.k.a Mr. Ban Ki-Moon. Unfortunately, I hadn't a chance to take a photo with him, really bad :(

but I though it was a minor dissapointment, since the whole conference was really GREAT for me. Although, the rules of procedure were quiet distinctive rather than usual MUN. But I gained a lot of knowledge there, especially related to UN General Assembly resolution making process, general debate and how they prefer to use consesnsus rather than voting. I also enjoyed so much experiences on traditional Korean culture. Moreover, I get many newfriends around the world!

And yeah, because of it is held in the holy month of Ramadhan, I also got a chance to experience fasting in Korea. It was longer and sometimes hotter than in Indonesia. We should take an early breakfast before 4 am and just breaking our fast in 7.30 pm, what a long day!

I also got chances to visited Citra, my fellow ppsdms in Jeonju, where she is staying for one year student exchange program in Chonbuk National University and MK, my fellow at APRU USP last year in Singapore.

Very good opportunity also to know many more friends such as Bernard, my fellow from Malaysia (we are in one delegation of Romania), Yasmin from palestine (the only one Palesitine girl I know in this world. haha), Tugba from Turkey but live in Germany, Nhil from India and so many other friends from China...

what an unforgettable experience to be one of the Global MUN participant :)

One thing for sure, we had a lot of prayers from the speakers and my fellows because they wish us for luck and success in the future. So, I start to pray the same for those of you who also want to expand your horison and feel the experience to become the global citizen :)


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Operasi Abses Kelenjar Bartholini

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb. Apa kabar kawan2? Semoga selalu dalam keadaan sehat wal afiat serta tetap semangat menjalani aktifitas. Apa kabar saya? Alhamdulillah, keadaan saya hari ini jauh lebih baik dari kemarin maupun beberapa hari yang lalu. Teman2 yang baca postingan saya sebelumnya mungkin telah mengetahui bahwa beberapa hari ke belakang saya menderita suatu penyakit yang membuat saya susah duduk, bangun dan berjalan. Sampai - sampai saya harus masuk UGD untuk disuntik obat penghilang rasa sakit di pantat saking tidak tahannya. Ternyata, setelah pulang dari UGD, obat penghilang rasa sakit itu hanya bertahan satu malam. Keesokan harinya, saya mengalami sakit yang sama. Susah duduk, bangun dan berjan. Terkadang, rasanya perih sekali, sampai-sampai saya menangis karena tidak dapat menahan sakitnya. Namun, karena sudah diberikan salep dan obat penghilang rasa sakit beberapa saat sakitnya mereda. Bahkan dua hari kemudian saya memberanikan diri untuk pergi ke Jurong Point

Aku Takut

 Tragedi stadion Kanjuruhan malam minggu lalu benar-benar membuat aku shock. Sedih dan marah sekali. Kukira di pagi hari aku melihat running text TVone beritanya ada total 129 penonton yang meninggal dalam waktu satu tahun atau mungkin akumulasi semua total korban tewas selama pertandingan sepak bola di Indonesia diadakan. Ternyata bukan, angka tersebut merupakan angka manusia yang hilang nyawanya dalam satu malam . Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi roji'un Bencana kemanusiaan. bukan tragedi. bisa jadi settingan? Naudzubillahi min dzalik, jikalau ini memang di-setting untuk mengguncangkan tanah air dengan ratusan nyawa melayang dalam semalam. Terlepas apapun motifnya, penembak gas air mata (dan yang memberi perintah) harus dihukum seberat2nya.  Di mana rezim yang melindungi? ratusan korban hilang seketika dalam hitungan jam.  Sementara para petinggi masih bisa haha hihi memikirkan perputaran uang yang terhenti sementara karena bencana itu. Ya Allah, lindungilah kami semua. Kami dan keluar

6 day to Graduation Day

Salam.... Hey all, what's up? I've been had a great time since my last post about "skripsi". Apparently, I had to work so hard (and so fast) to revise my thesis. Alhamdulillah, I made it on time with satisfactory result :) whilst it was so "rempong" to make a hardcover and get the signatories... The result itself was not a straight A (it was so close, just 0,44 again to get A score), but than it's okay for me. Alhamdulillah :D Ok, so now I am waiting for my convocation day (graduation ceremonial) which will be held 6 days later. Well, I'm not quite enthusiastic about this graduation day, realizing that it is just a ceremonial phase and I have to do "make up", dressing, high-heels-ing, etc. But, I can't deny that I am so happy, trying my "toga" made me just want to cry, feels like this time just run so quick and now I am not an undergraduate student anymore... Yes, I do believe that graduation is not the end. It ju