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FisiP fuN fair

in the name of Allah..
hello everyone, back to me again after that 'secret' posting..hehehenow, in this post i will tell you about what happened in 3 days ago.It was Januar17th..A day when Fisip FUn Fair was held. I, as one of the member of FISIP UI wasn`t interested yet to come to that event although it was sounded as the biggest event of BEM FISIP 2008 and the great reunion for the alumnis. Actually, that kind of event have never made me comfort..You know, like Jazz Goes to Campus, i though i could enjoy the show, in fact i didnt.Fisip Fun Fair not only just gave the music show in the stage, but also many kinds of event such as games, fun walk, fisip tree(this tree was made by plastic bottle, and ehm it`s cool), charity event (Baksos and Donor Darah)..and of course the STANDS...Why i finally came to that event? yes, because of the Stand..HI`s stand exactly..i have responsability to look after the stand because i accepted Dhani`s ask to look after it. She and Joan ask me to look after the stand because several people who used to be there, such as Agung and Ipeh couldn`t come to that event and even Dhani didn`t come to that event...So, i came to campus with my mom at 7.30, 30 minutes later than it used to be.. When i arrived at the place,there were just Lesly and Keshia 2006 with no decoration of the stand...instead of decorating,we`re just waiting for Joan because the things to decorate were brought Joan. Beside, the other major was fullfilled with decoration.When Joan finally came, we made the decoration. But, because of the minimal material, so we couldnt make our stand decoration as great as another. Just the boxes in the front and the writes "think globall act localy" that hung up behind. And of coure my little plants(that i didnt know what the name is..hehe)JUst it, no trashbag, no handicraft made from recycle things, no proker list, no profile, no testimonial board, no alumni database, and no one who join the game...It was really dissapointed when Pandu 2005 as the chairman of the BEM, come and go to look inside his stand,,,and any other such Syarif 2006, keshia (as the MC was going around to the stands, and she had no comment for our stanD),Ais 2007, and many other..Event the Dean (Iwashidingbecause..hehe)yeah, and the senior keep asking "where any other guys from 2008?"..And we just can smile, told them that the 2008`s wasnt come yet.Because of that we couldnt play the games...hmmphh..Then, i call people in the dorms to come..alhamdulillah they finally come..(Sorang, Riza, n Kun)..there was Raisha too..oh, i regret that i shoud call them before the event.So, the stand was very minimalist and the commitee that gave a score come and come again asking the "must have things" and i always answered by"the guy who brought it doesnt come yet"..hell,, no..Our plans to make a games from dartboard and other things just flew, we made "the must have things" just in a moment. whe the comitte never back again to our stands..first, i felt that the seniors were dissapointed because of our works...our team (2008) that not everyone, or maybe just sveral people who came, and our minimalist stand..but, after reading the Baskoro`s message on the facebook. i just see that HI`s people now is better than the old one.. IN the message he said thanks to us to managing the FFF stands. He said that "thank you guys, because of your works our stand can stand up in line with the other majors in FISIP, because you know that HI`s people are very APATHIC when there is an event lke that"Wew, i was shocked read that message and after reading it, i reflected our self(HI`s people, yeah they are very aphatic and pragmatic..hmmmphh..thats why just several people came to that event...event there just 3 or 4 alumnis that came to the event..
APHATIC and Pragmaticthat two words who always set in the smart people behavior..As Hi`s people consists of very smar people (such as me..hehe)I dont` know why the smart people do it..When i was in highschool some of my friend (who was known as smarter people) do that kind of things..well, at first they where ver aphatic and pragmatic..but then they lowly but sure can reuce that, why the smart people are known aphatic, pragmatic, event pathetic? Yeah, maybe anyone can answer my question?


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Operasi Abses Kelenjar Bartholini

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb. Apa kabar kawan2? Semoga selalu dalam keadaan sehat wal afiat serta tetap semangat menjalani aktifitas. Apa kabar saya? Alhamdulillah, keadaan saya hari ini jauh lebih baik dari kemarin maupun beberapa hari yang lalu. Teman2 yang baca postingan saya sebelumnya mungkin telah mengetahui bahwa beberapa hari ke belakang saya menderita suatu penyakit yang membuat saya susah duduk, bangun dan berjalan. Sampai - sampai saya harus masuk UGD untuk disuntik obat penghilang rasa sakit di pantat saking tidak tahannya. Ternyata, setelah pulang dari UGD, obat penghilang rasa sakit itu hanya bertahan satu malam. Keesokan harinya, saya mengalami sakit yang sama. Susah duduk, bangun dan berjan. Terkadang, rasanya perih sekali, sampai-sampai saya menangis karena tidak dapat menahan sakitnya. Namun, karena sudah diberikan salep dan obat penghilang rasa sakit beberapa saat sakitnya mereda. Bahkan dua hari kemudian saya memberanikan diri untuk pergi ke Jurong Point

Aku Takut

 Tragedi stadion Kanjuruhan malam minggu lalu benar-benar membuat aku shock. Sedih dan marah sekali. Kukira di pagi hari aku melihat running text TVone beritanya ada total 129 penonton yang meninggal dalam waktu satu tahun atau mungkin akumulasi semua total korban tewas selama pertandingan sepak bola di Indonesia diadakan. Ternyata bukan, angka tersebut merupakan angka manusia yang hilang nyawanya dalam satu malam . Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi roji'un Bencana kemanusiaan. bukan tragedi. bisa jadi settingan? Naudzubillahi min dzalik, jikalau ini memang di-setting untuk mengguncangkan tanah air dengan ratusan nyawa melayang dalam semalam. Terlepas apapun motifnya, penembak gas air mata (dan yang memberi perintah) harus dihukum seberat2nya.  Di mana rezim yang melindungi? ratusan korban hilang seketika dalam hitungan jam.  Sementara para petinggi masih bisa haha hihi memikirkan perputaran uang yang terhenti sementara karena bencana itu. Ya Allah, lindungilah kami semua. Kami dan keluar

6 day to Graduation Day

Salam.... Hey all, what's up? I've been had a great time since my last post about "skripsi". Apparently, I had to work so hard (and so fast) to revise my thesis. Alhamdulillah, I made it on time with satisfactory result :) whilst it was so "rempong" to make a hardcover and get the signatories... The result itself was not a straight A (it was so close, just 0,44 again to get A score), but than it's okay for me. Alhamdulillah :D Ok, so now I am waiting for my convocation day (graduation ceremonial) which will be held 6 days later. Well, I'm not quite enthusiastic about this graduation day, realizing that it is just a ceremonial phase and I have to do "make up", dressing, high-heels-ing, etc. But, I can't deny that I am so happy, trying my "toga" made me just want to cry, feels like this time just run so quick and now I am not an undergraduate student anymore... Yes, I do believe that graduation is not the end. It ju